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Chief United States District Judge Randy Crane

Welcome to U.S. Chief District Judge Randy Crane's Website.

Chief District Judge Crane's Interactive Court Calendar

Case Manager to Judge Crane Judicial Assistant to Judge Crane
Delia S. Rodriguez
Case Manager
United States Courthouse
1701 W. Business Hwy 83, 10th Floor
McAllen, Texas 78501
(956) 618-8441
Julie Kittleman
Judicial Assistant
Chambers of Judge Crane
1701 W. Business Hwy 83, 9th Floor
McAllen, Texas 78501
(956) 618-8423

District Clerk’s Office

Velma T. Barrera, Deputy-In-Charge
U.S. District Clerk
United States Courthouse
1701 W. Business Hwy 83, 10th Floor
McAllen, Texas 78501
(956) 618-8065

Procedures Required by Judge Crane

Please familiarize yourself with Court Procedures.

I.     Communicating with the Court
II.    Electronic Filing Requirements (CM/ECF)
III.   Initial Pretrial Conferences and Scheduling Orders
IV.   Emergency Relief
V.    Appearances
VI.   Continuances
VII.  Motion Practice
VIII. Final Pretrial Hearing
IX.   Trials
X.    Courtroom Decorum
XI.   Settlements and Dismissals
XIII. Recusals and Conflicts of Interest

Forms MS Word:
Adobe PDF:
Court Procedures view view view
Joint Discovery / Case Managment Plan view view -
Scheduling Order view view -
Joint Pretrial Order - - App. B of
Local Rules
Disclosure of Interested Parties view view -