Format Rules for Lists of Creditors: MATRIX |
Creditor lists must be uploaded to CM/ECF or filed on matrices. To ensure that the lists you file can be read by the optical scanner and interpreted by the software, please follow these rules. Your help is essential both for current efficiency and for future improvements. Matrix: 1. Addresses must be in a format of six lines for every entry with a maximum of 40 characters per line. Use lower and upper case letters. Do not use all capitals. Note that blank lines have been added to make each address conform to the six-line format. Examples: Line 1 John Q. Public 2. Addresses must be in this order: Person or Company Name 3. The company or individual's name must be limited to one line only. 4. Descriptions must be limited to two lines only. Keep it simple. Omit non-essential and imprecise descriptions. Insert blank lines to provide a six-line entry. 5. Do not include account numbers on the matrix. 6. Zip codes must be on the last line with the city and state. When possible, use all nine-digits with a hyphen inserted. Use capital letters for state abbreviations, with no periods in or after the letters (i.e. TX). 7. All creditors listed on Schedules D, E and F should be included. 8. The court's "Receipt of Creditor's List" must accompany each matrix. 9. Never resubmit a name on a supplemental matrix that was submitted on the original unless the name or address is being corrected. Do not relist all creditors that appeared on the original in addition to the changes you are making through filing the supplemental list. 10. A separate matrix must be filed to add, correct or delete creditors at the same time. Indicate on the reverse of the matrix whether it added, modified or deleted creditors. Matrices: 1. Matrices must be on 8 1/2" x 11" good quality paper, with a single column on each page along the one-inch left-hand margin. No misaligned columns please. 2. Use one of the typefaces: Courier 10 Pitch (preferred) or Courier 12 Pitch. 3. Laser printed text is preferred. Do not include other information, like letterhead, case number, page or line numbers, or stray marks. 4. Please do not staple. NOTE: Mail that is returned as undeliverable will be given to the attorney for the debtor who will have the duty to effect notice. |
Instructions for Loading Creditor Mailing Lists for Attorneys Using CM/ECF |
Multiple Creditors Upload To add creditors to a new or existing case: 1. Log into the CM/ECF system 2. Select BANKRUPTCY from CM/ECF blue tool bar 3. Select CREDITOR MAINTENANCE 4. Select UPLOAD A CREDITOR MATRIX 5. Enter a case number (ex. 05-12345) 6. From the Load Creditor Information Screen, click on the BROWSE button and search for your matrix file on your personal computer. Once found, double click on matrix file to paste the file name into the CM/ECF system. Once the file name appears on the field, click the Next button. (Note: the creditor matrix file should be in TXT format and not contain page borders, dollar amounts, account numbers or cover page.) 7. From the Add Creditor(s) screen, the system will verify the number of creditors added to the database. Please click on the SUBMIT button. 8. The system will now produce a Creditor Receipt 9. Select BANKRUPTCY from CM/ECF blue tool bar. 10. Select MISCELLANEOUS 11. Enter a case number 12. Select CREDITOR MAILING LIST LOADED , then continue process, following prompts until complete. The final entry will show Creditor Mailing List Loaded . 13. The deficiency flag has been removed from the docket. Individual Creditor / Manual Entry To add creditors to a new or existing case: 1. Log into the CM/ECF system 2. Select BANKRUPTCY from CM/ECF blue tool bar 3. Select Creditor Maintenance 4. Select ENTER INDIVIDUAL CREDITORS 5. Enter a case number (ex 05-12345) 6. From the Add Creditor(s) screen, you must manually enter: Name, Address, City/State/Zip on the fields provided. From this same screen place a bullet on the Last Entry radio button and click on the Next button. (If manually adding more than one creditor, leave the bullet on Continue to Enter radio button and add next creditor. When all creditors have been manually added, place a bullet on the Last Entry radio button and click on the Next button.) 7. From the Add Creditor(s) screen, the system will verify the total number of creditors added to the database. Please click on the SUBMIT button. 8. The system will now produce a Creditors Receipt 9. Select BANKRUPTCY from CM/ECF blue tool bar. 10. Select MISCELLANEOUS 11. Enter a case number 12. Select CREDITOR MAILING LIST LOADED , then continue process, following prompts until complete. The final entry will show Creditor Mailing List Loaded . 13. The deficiency flag has been removed from the docket. |