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Judicial Conference Transcript Policy

Transcripts will be electronically available on PACER to the public 90 days after their filing with the court.  To comply with the privacy requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 5.2, Fed. R. Crim. P. 49.1, and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9037, parties must ensure that certain protected information is redacted from transcripts prior to their availability on PACER.

The clerk's office will send out a Notice of Official Transcript. Within 21 days of a transcript being filed, parties must file with the court a statement of redaction, listing the items to be redacted, citing the transcript’s docket number, the item’s location by page and line, and including only the following portions of the protected

  • the last four digits of the social security number or taxpayer identification number;
  • the year of the individual’s birth;
  • the minor’s initials;
  • the last four digits of the financial account number; and
  • the city and state of the home address (criminal cases only).

Any additional redaction requires a separate motion and Court approval.

A party may review the transcript at the Clerk’s Office public terminals or purchase it by following the instructions on our website. A party is only responsible for reviewing the:

  • opening and closing statements made on the party’s behalf;
  • statements of the party;
  • testimony of any witness called by the party; and
  • any other portion of the transcript as ordered by the court.

Redaction is your responsibility. The Clerk, court reporter, or transcriber will not review the transcript for compliance.

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